Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Emotional Week

So this week has been emotional.  A girl from my moms group, who moved away shortly after I started with the group, had surgery Tuesday to remove a brain tumor.  You can read about her story here Carrie.  My running group friends and I all are doing bandana runs for her, Carrie is a fellow runner.  Carrie has an amazing attitude and is am amazing strong women.

Tuesday my mom also had her check-up and she is still cancer FREE!!  Five years now!  Yeah! Great news!

Tomorrow I will be thinking of one of my best friends and remembering her three sweet angels.

Give someone you love a hug today and remember to slow down and enjoy those around you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hayrack riding away

We went on a Hayrack ride on Friday night.  It was fun.  It was a beautiful night!  They had a campfire and songs and stories afterwards.  Abby's favorite was the fire!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


So Paige today told me she had a "What would Jesus Do" moment at school today? She won a free book from the book fair yesterday and claimed it yesterday.  She went back to the book fair today with her chore money and bought two books and the lady tried to give her one free because she knew she won a book.  Paige told her she had already got her book yesterday and she need to pay for both the books today.  What a good little honest girl. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life has been going good

A and D sleeping after a bike ride

Abby Loves this  butterfly

Delaney in a cute dress that my friend made for her

First day of dance don't let the sad face fool you

A, D and P at the Fuel Up with Color Run a Kids fun run that teaches about Healthy eating

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sole Sisters

Come on over and follow another blog that I am a member of.

Monday, September 10, 2012


So Lincoln has this event called Streets Alive.  It is in the second year and we could not make it the first year.  I heard it was fun so mad sure to make it this year.  They close off over 3 miles of roads.  You run, walk, bike, whatever to get  around and you go from park to park to visit booths and play games and get prizes.  SO SO FUN!  It started out rough.  I started out with my big BOLD plan to bike all the way to the first park- over five miles.  Paige was not so thrilled once it got harder and Abby and Delaney were fighting.  Abby even bit Delaney ( yes all in all STILL a god day, these things happen).   Paige fell on her bike and hurt both her knees but was a trooper and kept on going.  We made it and it was AWESOME!  The girls played with a parachute, did jump rope.  Everyone was so nice and it felt so cool to ride in the street with it closed down.  I could go on and on about this.  I LOVE these types of thing and we spent $0, no gas to get there, no cost to have fun and they had water, bread, bananas, granola bars, we even ate for free.  Paige was not keen on riding all the way back so we called Rob and he picked her up.  Rob was not able to come he had to work that day ( he never works Sundays), I tired to get him to come after work but he was worn out but I don't think he knew how awesome it was! 

Lotion in the hair

Me:  "Abby what did you put in your hair?"

Abby: " I not do it, daddy did"

Me : " Abby daddy is a work"

Abby " no he's not, he is in the basement hiding"

Me: " No he is not Abby!, what did you put in your hair"

Abby : " Lotion"

Me:  " Why, because I wanted to take a bath! "

OH Abby!  I would have just let you take a bath if you just asked me!  OH Abby!