Thursday, June 30, 2011


Award Rules:

1) Link back to the person that awarded this to you.

My sister-in-law laura

2) Share 7 random things about yourself:

1.  I actually like to clean and organize.  If I could have time to do it more and not get interrupted when doing it or have it be a mess 2 minutes later.  I do not think I would like to have a cleaning lady, I like to clean my own house

2.  I have no idea what to do with our garden in our backyard.  We have a beautiful flower garden that needs some TLC.  The last people who lived here planted tons of different things and I really was not sure what anything was until it started to bloom.  I would love to learn more about that

3.  I used to make cards and scrapbook all the time.  I do miss it but it take so much time and my time is limited, and I would rather play with my three beautiful girls

4.  I enjoy running and working out and use it to deal with stress, now if only I could eat healthier :)

5.   I like to make people laugh and can even be pretty funny at times :)

6.  I won a speech contest in seventh grade, this always shocks people because I am shy

7.  It takes we awhile to build a good friendship but once I do it is usually lifelong.  I have wonderful friends and family who I would be lost without!!

3) Award to other blogs!

Erica's Blog-  My friend Erica updates her Blog more than anyone I know.  I love reading it and now she has a new camera so her pictures are great!!

Kelli's Blog- OK Kelli's this is more of an attempt to get you to update your Blog :)  Now you have to post :)

4) Answer the following questions:

-Favorite Color: pink or red

-Favorite Song: Billy Joel:  Just the way you are
-Your favorite dessert: pecan  pie
-What is pissing you off: the fact that my house can never stay clean and that I do not know what to do with my garden
-When you 're upset, you: cry and call a good friend or my mom or one of my sisters
-Your favorite pet:  Jack, I really do like him.  yes I know I did not want a dog but I kind of love him now!
-Black or White: Black

-Biggest fear: something happening to my kids
-Best feature: my big heart :)
-Everyday attitude: I am pretty positive and I am a strong person who thinks I can get through anything.  I also know when I need help and most the time I will ask for it

-What is perfection: seeing my kids smile
-Guilty pleasure: Reality television and wine

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Funny thing kids say

I keep wanting to write down all these funny things that the kids say.  Since I have not been scrap booking and really do not see me starting that again anytime soon!  I need to put them somewhere so this is more for me than others but still cute:

Delaney calls her bed sheets "sheep" it is pretty cute.  One night I had not made her bed after washing her sheets and she kept saying I can't go to bed where are my sheep?

Abby calls swim- suits "swim-soups".  again maybe cute to only me :)

The other night when we were at my parent's house ( they live on a lake)  Abby wanted to go see the sun.  I said oh honey we can't go see the sun.  She told me yeah lets just get in the boat and drive to it.   The sun was setting and it looked like it was right on top of the lake-- pretty cute

Abby got a Tinkerbell dress for her birthday and it has wings on the back.  She thought if she put it on she could really fly.  Luckily she did not try to leap off anything just run fast in the yard and thought she would start to take off.

Delaney takes her new princess dive sticks in the bath with her and when she is all done she gets three washcloths as towels for them and dries the each off.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Princess and Dragon Party time!

castle I made out of a cardboard box, yes I even added a red carpet

the princess

the dragon

Today was so great!  The weather was so nice.  A little warm but NO RAIN during our party.  We had 32 people at our house to help celebrate Abby and Delaney turning three tomorrow.  We were very excited to be able to host a big party like that.   We love our backyard and I LOVE party planning. Delaney and Abby are so different I was not sure what our party theme would be.  D said princess from the beginning and A first wanted dinosaurs and then switched to dragons.  Here are some pics

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A picture is worth a 1000 words?

OK here are some sweet pictures of the girls helping me clean one day...

If there would have been a third picture it would not have been so sweet, after I went into the kitchen I heard crying.  I knew it was Delaney but I figured Abby had taken the hand vac from her and was slowing walking out to fix the situation.  To my surprise I saw Delaney in the middle on the floor with the vacuum attached to her head sucking her hair up.
I found out later, after I carefully got the vacuum off without loosing too much hair, that Abby had done it.  So one minute everything it all good and the next totally chaos!  That is a typical day  at the Gibbon's house!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Gymanstics for my Abby

So Tuesday Abby did her gymanstics class.  She was not too sure about it.  I had to start the class with her until she felt comfortable with the class.  She had fun but kept telling me she wanted to run.  The teacher had to ask her to get back in line a few times but she did good.  I can not believe how big my girls are getting.  Next year I hope to get Abby into something to let her run run run!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Princess Dance Class- Delaney's dream come true

Aunt Jenny and Grandma and Papa gave the girls dance and gymnastics classes for their upcoming birthday.  Very cute present.  Rob and I debated about putting them in the same class or seperate classes.  They are so different and Delaney loves to dance and princesses and Abby loves to climb and roll.  So I thought they needed to do different classes.  Delaney was so excited.  It was SO cute.  She went to the class and went right with the teacher and tried to do all the moves.  So cute!!  She told me about all her new friends she made and can not wait to go back next week.  SO CUTE!! Tomorrow is Abby's turn :)