Sunday, July 15, 2012

Color Run

So yup this may look like it was crazy and it was Crazy FUN!!  It was Katie's first race and she did great!.  It was impossible to run the whole thing because there were so many people and you had to wait in line to get Color thrown on you.  It was HOT HOT HOT but we had fun. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Olympic Swim Trials

So I have always been a fan of Olympic Swimming and the swim trial are in Omaha NE!! Paige swims for our neighborhood pool for the summer so I knew she would think it was cool as well.  I looked into tickets and they were pretty expensive so I decided against it.  Then, darn Facebook and I saw other people going and it looked so cool and I wanted to go again and made up my mind we were going.  I did some searching and I found tickets for $10!!  I can do that!  Rob says the one thing he loves about me and finds annoying at the same time is that once I get and idea in my head no one can stop me.  This time it was a good idea and it worked, sometimes my crazy ideas end in our patio set being many bright different colors ( I still like it).  Oh back to the point.  Paige and I had a great Mommy and Paige dad and she said her favorite part was spending the day with me!!  Pretty cool from an almost middle school-er , she still loves me :)