Thursday, May 26, 2011

Outdoor Fun!!

Rob and his brothers got the swing set together on Sunday.  I was impressed. Rob did a lot of the smaller pieces at night at home and I helped.  I helped him some in the morning and then from 1-3 his brothers came over and they finished it.   The girls LOVE it!! 

The girls love to help plant flowers and have also tried to make a fort.

Please also keep in your prayers everyone is Joplin, MO.  Rob has an Aunt and two cousins there.  One of his cousins is still in the hospital.  My heart goes out to everyone in Joplin. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Run Run Run it is Fun Fun Fun!!

These are my little runners showing off their ribbons.  Abby said to me the other day. " Mommy did a run, Paige did a run, Abby want to do a run."  So I found one at healthy Kids day at the YMCA. It was a one mile run. I felt a little crazy being out there with the 2 two year olds.  They were the youngest runners!  It was cold and windy but they were so excited.  Aunt Jenny ran with Delaney and I ran with Abby.  They did good!!  Paige ran ahead of us and Abby ran most the way.  She fell once and hurt her head, she started to run to the playground once and even ran backward to see how Delaney was doing at one time.  Jenny told me that Delaney told her she drank too much juice and it was sloshing in her tummy-- too cute!  Delaney did great too and ran the whole way as well. It took them 19 and 20 minutes but they finished and everyone was standing at the end clapping and cheering them on.  They were pretty proud of themselves :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pedicures Anyone?

OK--- I knew when the girls were playing quietly in the playroom it was too good to be true.  Abby came up and said "Don't go downstairs Mommy!!"  I knew that meant, run downstairs.  I found Delaney painting her toenails with white-out!  I have no idea we even had it.  It is the old bottle liquid kind.  Oh GIRLS!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Paige and I both had runs this weekend!  Paige ran the Mayor's Run a one-mile kids run in 11 minutes and 30 seconds.  She did better than last year and RAN the whole way!  So proud of her!

I ran the Lincoln half Marathon!!  My goal was under 2:30 and I did 2:19!!  I am pretty Happy!  I know I did not break any records but to this mom of three I proved I could do this and for that I am very proud.  The support In Lincoln is SO awesome!  Cheering, bands, Music, Cow bells!  Just a good time.  Thanks to all who support me in my goal!!!