Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why I think that my neighbors think I am crazy

So no pictures for this post.  Read on and see why :)  Yesterday the girls painted pumpkins again for the third time.  They used washable paint but decided to paint each other as well.  So they needed to take a bath before we went to pick Paige up from school.  They took a bath and I wrapped them up in their towels, sat them on the couch and went into their room to pick out new clothes for them.  I then walked back out into the living room and they were gone!!  I looked at the back sliding door and it was OPEN!  Sure enough I had two naked little girls out swinging on the swing set.  I ran out and started yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"  "YOU CAN NOT BE OUTSIDE NAKED!!"  They both looked at me confused and then I looked to the left and my neighbor two doors down was out and trying to figure out what was going on at my house.  He was squinting his eyes ( and I assume wondering what the heck  those kids are doing outside swinging naked).  The girls then decided to run around the back yard and make me catch them.

Later on this same night the neighbors wife was outside reading when Abby climbed the fence and started running around the neighbors yard that is between us.  Paige had to climb over and catch her while I was once again yelling.  "What are you doing?"

I told Rob when he got home late last night and I was exhaused that I am pretty sure we were the topic of conversation at the neighbors house that night

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