Monday, April 2, 2012

Why it is hard for moms to relax

So Friday night I thought I would do something I do not do very often and try to relax before Rob got home.  It was a beautiful night and I decided to pour myself a glass of wine and was going to go sit out on the deck.  Well, I poured a glass of wine and then I had to put it on the counter.  Yes the kids were still up.   They needed me and so I ran off to help save the day.

Disclaimer : I do have a glass of wine at night on occasion, I always wait until the kids go to bed before I do.  I will never again try to have a glass while they are awake.

I then saw the trash can full and forgetting about my wine on the counter went to take it outside.  I then heard yelling and screaming and ran back inside.  While I was outside Paige had spilled my wine all over the kitchen floor and the glass had broken.  She saw my phone laying in water (wine) and went to pick it up so it would not be damaged  (nice thought).  She stepped on the broken glass and cut her foot, pretty bad.  She was bleeding all over the kitchen floor.  I ran in saw the blood and ran to her her cutting my foot as well, not as bad.  While helping Paige, who can be a drama queen ( love her)  Abby ran and got the box of band-aids and threw them at us.  Then, while I was tending to Paige's wounds Abby and Delaney put the whole box of band- aids all over themsleves.

Ok Where were we, I was trying to relax, that did not happen.  Lesson learned 1.  I can not Relax or 2.  I need to buy plastic wine glasses

update:  Paige limped all day at school and told everyone the story, she was not even sure if she could run in PE, again all I wanted to go was try to relax??

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